Donate to support the Great American Think-Off

Your donation supports civil debate, listening, and big thinking in rural America.

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Your donation supports civil debate, listening, and big thinking in rural America.

We have been dedicated to civil discourse and big thinking in rural America for more than 30 years!

The Great American Think-Off is an exhibition of civil disagreement between powerful ideas that connect to your life at the gut level. The Cultural Center, located in the rural farm and manufacturing town of New York Mills, sponsors this annual philosophical essay and debate contest.

Each year, the Think-Off question is announced on January 1. Essays are due April 1, finalists are announced May 1, and the live debate is held on the second Saturday in June.

All are invited to submit an essay and/or attend the debate. Not able to attend in person? Tune in to our YouTube page here (includes prior years' debates):

2023 marked 30 YEARS of civil debate and big thinking in rural Minnesota. We are proud of this tradition and grateful to all those who have been involved over the years to help make this unique event a long-time success.

We work hard to make the Think-Off accessible to all. There is no fee to enter, and audiences can tune in to watch the debate on YouTube at no cost. However, this event does not come without costs. While ticket revenues cover a portion of the event costs, we rely on sponsorships and donations to keep this event financially feasible.

Are you able to make a donation today to support civil discourse and big thinking in rural America?

With your support, we will continue this unique tradition for another 30 years and beyond. Thank you!


The New York Mills Arts Retreat and Regional Cultural Center is a multidisciplinary arts organization that has been dedicated to expanding the cultural and creative opportunities for rural Americans for three decades. Our core values include hospitality, inclusivity, drawing sustenance from the local, expansive understanding/role of the arts, community, and leadership. All are welcome here.

Learn more at, or call us at 218-385-3339.